Sunday, 19 February 2017

Get NZ Writing

Room 37 has been signed up to a nationwide 'Get NZ Writing' challenge. 3000 classes around NZ are taking part in a buddy writing activity. Today Room 37 received their box with all their goodies for creating postcards to send to their Writing Buddies. Our buddy class is from a school called Kaniere School in Hokitika. Check out their website to find out more about the school and check them out on Google Maps. Kaniere School Website


  1. Hi Room 37

    We are looking forward to making a start on ours too. My class don't know too much about it but I'm looking forward to telling them a little bit more this week.

    From Miss Lologa

  2. Kia ora Room 37
    We are your buddy class at Kaniere. We are a small, rural school just outside Hokitika on the West Coast of the South Island. Our school goes from yr 1 to yr 6. We have 120 students in our school. Most students at our school are fully digital learners as we are part of the Manaiakalani cluster group called Toki Pounamu.
    There is a fabulous lake (Lake Kaniere) just down the road and a beach just up the road.
    We are a class of 24 yr 4/5 students. We are looking forward to writing our messages to you and colouring in the artwork.
    Your blog layout looks great.
    Nga mihi
    Ruma Rua


Tip Top Factory Trip

One day I went to TIP TOP . I looked at how the ice cream was made.  We saw some of the machines making the ice cream . The people...