Collaborative Teaching Updates

28 August

Kia Ora Whanau,

This term we started our spelling workshops on the Wednesdays mornings from 10:00 - 10:40. Students signed up according to the highlighted green areas from the tests.

There are a total of four sessions around spelling rules/phonics that the students opt in to.

The feedback from the students are positive. We will continue and then begin to target our writing as a collaborative.

Maths Communities continues every Fridays from 9:15 - 10:00.

Nga mihi,
Bronwyn and Ula

June 6

Kia Ora Parents and Whanau,

Today we planned our spelling workshops based on the data analysis of both classes.

By the end of the week:

1. Share their data
2. Highlight areas achieved and next learning steps.
3. Sign Up for workshop in Week 7

We are continuing with our maths community every Fridays - check back to the Students IL journey to see some pictures posted on there.

Nga mihi,
Bronwyn and Ula

May 30

Kia Ora Parents and whanau,

We are planning to target spelling as our next collaborative learning across the two classes. We would like to get this up and running in Week 7.  The first step is to retest our students and look at the areas we need to focus on and teach. Then we will analyse the results and share with the students.

From the analysis the students will have the option of choosing workshops with guidance from the teachers specifically targeting areas they need to work on.

There will be more information once we have completed this process.

Nga mihi,
Bronwyn and Ula

May 26

Kia Ora Parents and whanau,

This week we observed a Year 6 class and see it in action. It was great opportunity for us to ask questions that we had around maths communities.

During our collaborative meeting we discussed and shared our observations and looked at some of the planning and book work of students.

We met as maths communities today and will share back and reflect on our lessons in our next collaborative planning.

Bronwyn and Ula

May 16/05/2017

Kia Ora Parents and whanau,

We had our session of Maths Communities last Friday. At this stage we are working through the inquiry process and set up of communities within our groups.

We met with our groups and worked on one problem as a model. After their working independently on the problem, students were put in groups of 3's so they could share their strategies of solving a problem. The students were able to ask questions, had to explain and justify their thinking, learn new strategies and so on.  It is a process and each week we will continue to model this inquiry process.

Afterwards, they shared one strategy to the whole group.

We will be organising a time to observe and watch the Year 6 classes as they have implemented this  across all their classes.

Bronwyn and Ula

May 2nd, 2017

Kia Ora Parents and Whanau,

This term we will be introducing Maths Communities. Here is a link to find out more information about it:

We plan to do Maths Communities every Fridays from 9:15 - 10:00. More information and updates as the term goes on. Please post your questions by adding a comment.

Bron and Ula

March 28, 2017

Kia Ora Parents and Whanau,

Yesterday the Year 4 students had their top team event held at school. The students participated in a range of cooperative games and activities to build communication, and teamwork.

As a follow up the students will be adpating or creating a cooperative game or activity in small groups.

Today the teachers met we have assigned and created group roles. The students will meet tomorrow in their teams to plan together for a games afternoon which parents will be invited to.

Teachers will meet with the team to confirm dates.

Many thanks,
Bron and Ula

March 13, 2017

Kia Ora Parents and Whanau,

Last week, Room 37 and 38 swapped teachers for our collaborative activity. Students worked in small groups to do role plays about various scenarios relating to social and cooperative skills. Both classes performed their skits to each other and had a good discussion around the different scenarios.

This week we are meeting on Tuesday and will mix up both classes to work on more group scenarios to act out and share together.

Nga mihi,
Ula and Bronwyn.

Hi Parents, families and whanau of Room 37 and 38.

On this page we will be sharing with you any updates or messages about our collaborative programme this year.

If you have questions, please feel free to leave a comment or email your child's teacher: or


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